Do Not Put Empty Milk Bottles Back in the Fridge

Sunday 30 September 2007

What's French for 'I'm bored'?

Wow, it's true, coursework really does take over your life! Well, I'm trying to organise my life so I can still actually have a life, which means not playing so many computer games (sob) and not spending so much time on MSN (runs around screaming and crying). But, I'm sure I can beat my MSN dragon if I only try to reach that golden egg. And yes, I am being sarcastic.

So, with having to stay in being poorly, (I'm a lot better now)I'm trying to tackle my coursework. Finding it really, really hard. No wonder I got predicted a B in French! Personally, I don't think they should hand out those stupid bits of paper. People that don't work got higher grades than me! I would care more if I didn't know that it was just an excuse for some people to get competitive and Lord over others (and yes, there's been a lot of that, even amongst my friends, sigh). I don't like the fact that some people were almost crying about what they got, when I know for a fact they could get better. But maybe the school thinks it serves as a wake up call for those who don't work.

So, writing this blog has turned out to be a life saver. It'd true that writing, or typing, your feelings can help surpress upset and anger. Perhaps I'm more upset because I missed the chance to go to the cinema with my two best friends, one of which spends all her time in Wales. I would have loved the chance to finally see a film with them. I guess it was not to be.

I know this sounds really geeky, but I am a huge nerd, so I'm allowed to say this; but I'm quite enjoying reading Romeo and Juliet. Ok, so most parts are mind numbingly boring, but I really like the fact that I can picture the characters as vividly as though I was reading it as a novel. Perhaps this is only because I watched the movie on Youtube the other day.

So, that's all I'm willing to say. You know I actually just wrote about ten more paragraphs you'll never get to see? I just had to get it off my chest, and once I did, I decided it was not fit for other peoples eyes. It's nice to type about things you can't say.

Friday 28 September 2007

ARGH!! THERE A MA - Oh no. It's just clothes hung up in the shower.

Do you know how fightening it is when you walk into the bathroom to see a human shaped figure right behind you? Terrifying. Anyway, turns out our washing machine broke, which explains why all the washing was hung up in the shower. >_>

Well, still here, still ill. Drugged up to the eyeballs with various concoctions claiming to be the answer to my woes. To speak of medicines, do you know now there's a pill to cure PMT? pfft. Woman have coped with PMT since humans began...we're made of sterner stuff, I'm sure. I don't know about you, but I need a chance to rant and rave about life every now and again. What would life be if we were happy all the time? Boring, and we wouldn't have anything to tell our grandchildren. XD

So, I'm tired of eating plain food, and I'm tired of being...tired. Hmm. But, I'm keeping myself busy with watching Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and daytime televisions. Paracetomal all round, ppl.

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Mum, Why is there a blouse hanging up in the shower again?

Ugh, so I'm ill. Oh, it's awful. Not to go into too much unnecessary detail, but I think me and the loo are undergoing a major bonding session now. I'm about to watch Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights, in a futile attempt to cheer myself up.

There's now a pair of trousers and a T-shirt joining the blouse in the shower. I will report when I figure out why this is.

Saturday 22 September 2007

"Is it a balm or a bap?"

Ah, the wonderful world of secondary school homework. And yes, I am being sarcastic. I'm having another lazy day today, I should probably be revising. But, I'm writing this. I havn't actually written it enough in the past few days. But, never mind. Hannah's blog has a lovely new layout, you'll want to see it.

Now, a small complaint and a revelation. People smoking in my face is not a nice experiance. I doubt the offending person will ever read this, so I'm ok to say it, I guess. And it's such a shame! The girl that does it is really pretty too. I'd hate to see her cancer sticks messing her face up. :( I'd say something, but it's not really my place. Also, I discovered today a person who I stayed out the way of because I thought she was mean, actually turned out to be a talented, down-to-earth girl with realistic goals. It's amazing how your perspective of a person can change through a few words exchanged in the strangest of places. I'm pleased I got the chance to speak to her, or, who knows, my opinion of her could have worsened for no actual reason except through rumours.

A very important question is this: 'What is Barbara's actual job?' If they sacked her, they'd have to hire about twenty more people. She does everything, I'm sure. I always thought she'd lived in the DT block, and made tea and toast, but apparently not. I've seen her in Art, in Textiles (sewing) and I'm sure I've seen her in the Science block. The school would probably fall apart without Barbara. I mean, they'd have to hire about five others in the DT block alone.

Sunday 16 September 2007

Once upon a time, there was a place that was fun...

Coursework. Not good. Actually, I'm kind of ashamed, I've been so slow that I havn't made anything creative at all. Except this which I'm quite proud of. Nothing special, as I'm not that good, especially compared to some people. But I do like it. I hope Hannah will, as it's sort of dedicated to her! Anyways, for those reading, I'm am indeed a very lazy person, and I promise I will write and/or make something worthwhile as soon as...what do they say? Oh yeah, as soon as I get my 'creative juices flowing.' I hate that phrase.

Friday 14 September 2007

Amateur alert!

Well, following the infinate wisdom of Hannah, I decided to join Deviant Art. I posted my manip of the Mirror Room up, and people liked it! I'm surprised. I even got a fave! Gosh. I feel special. In case you ever think of dropping in, I'm Cazilu on there.

Did something worthwhile in Graphics today; usually just potter about with XaraX, pressing random buttons and hoping it doesn't crash on me. Which it does. Everytime. >_< XaraX is ok, but I get the feeling I'd rather be on Photoshop whilst I'm on Xara; which is petty, I know, but that's just me. I am, however, going to use it for my project, regardless. I'm quite familiar with my Photoshop now. Even if I do make it crash too much.

Thursday 13 September 2007

brb, roflmao, k?

The wonders of MSN. Huh.

First of all, I would like to point out, just because you are online, and I am online, does not mean we can cultivate the longest conversation in Instant Messaging history, unless you are a very, very good friend. Then it becomes acceptable. When a convo is over, it is OVER. When the conversation fizzles out, for gods sake, shut up; you don't need to pelt me with constant 'r u ther???'s and 'still ther???'s. This is only okay if you're a very good friend. This is not acceptable if I've met you once whilst shopping, through a friend, and talked to you for a grand total of three seconds. You are so off my buddy list.

Second. You see that thing at the bottom of the screen? The '[name] is writing a message' ? Whilst this is there, do not send anything. It's better to let the person have their say, or it becomes annoying, and sometimes complicated if you change the subject whilst I'm typing something completely different. Only okay if you absolutely feel you have to contradict me.

Third. Those awful, awful display pictures with sound. They're kinda cute on some people, but on others, no. I do not need a random dog barking in the middle of a song everytime you send an emoticon. Get a proper picture, like everyone else.

Fourth. Do not make me beat you in the name of grammer. I'm not kidding. Just because it's MSN does not make it ok to skip every vowel in every word and use 'their' instead of 'they're' and 'there' and 'your' instead of 'you're.' Of course I understand mistakes and even I use ppl for people and cause instead of because etc but for God's sake people, I cannot understand you wn u tlk lyk dis an mis evri 3rd lt ot ov all da sntences u do. I'm english, speak english to me. Not only is it stupid, it's also pretentious and juvenile. Grow up. And the strange thing is, it's really smart people that do it mostly!

Fifth: When my status is anything - anything - but online, I DO NOT WANT TO TALK TO YOU. GO AWAY. If I want to speak to you, I will, but stop bugging me when my personal message clearly says 'doing coursework' or 'feeding the cat' or 'doing the chicken dance.'

If we all do this, I'm confident the cyberworld will be a better place.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

What have you got next?

So today I had school, and nothing frankly amusing to write about. However, my good friend Hannah has decided to get a blog too!! You can visit it here. It's an excellent blog, and I'm positive you'll love it. ^^

Monday 10 September 2007

Through to the Next Round!!!!

Well, I'm very excited and happy, and slightly giddy. Let me try to contain my endless enthusiasm, and tell you the whole story.

Back in...well, last year, I was invited to a Creative Writing Workshop with author Sherry Ashworth, and I wrote a short story. I'm quite proud to say she really liked my story, which I did with almost no help (I think I asked Miss Alderson how to spell something). Well, Miss Alderson decided to send our short stories to a competition, and, out of thousands and thousands (I'd love to say millions, but I really have no clue), I got through to the final round!!! And It's just four-hundred people in the final!!! I am literally bursting with joy!! Which seems both cliché and pretentious, but, at this moment, I dont care!!

On other 'news' I've just noticed the large dent in our kitchen ceiling I created. What stupid person designs a fridge that has a door that slams into your face everytime you try to open it? Try having a huge fridge door slamming into you when you're trying to get out two bottles of milk and a bowl of cooked meats: It's NOT pretty, let me tell you. Anyway, out kitchen slopes down towards the end, and whilst I thought I had been opening the fridge door and it actually staying, I've been lodging it into the plaster of the ceiling. Oops.

You can see the dent from the back of the hall.

Give me something witty to say, Hannah.

I'm in DT club and I probably shouldn't be writing this, but I've decided you all absolutely MUST see my latest creation,

woooo, finally finished. I spent ages randomly pushing buttons and crashing Photoshop about three times. I have a bad habit of crashing my computer because I overload it. At any given time, I have at least eleven tabs on IE open, as well as about five msn chats, photoshop and virus scan. Happy days.

Sunday 9 September 2007

The Glass IS Half Empty.

Ok. New blog. So, I guess I should say why I named the blog 'Do Not Put Empty Bottles Back in the Fridge' ? Well, I have this habit of putting empty packets and especially milk bottles back in the cupboard/fridge. It annoys the heck out of my mum, and I don't even realise I'm doing it (it's one of my many flaws). It was the first thing that came to mind, seriously, and I didn't know what to write. And why I named the URL 'the-glass-is-half-empty'? Because I'm a pessimist, that's why. You'll see.

I'll customise this blog later, when I've finised trying to write a profile for French without revealing my innermost secrets. It's what I should be doing now, actually, but at 13:57 I'm still in my Pjs (pjamas for the less intelligent person), typing this and contemplating what type of pasta I should have for tea tonight. I'm up to 'mes passetemps' and I'm trying to work out the French for 'I'd much rather be writing my creative story for English right now, but I'm revealing my innermost self to a complete stranger, and does this even count as part of my GCSE or does the school just want me to suffer?' Obviously, I cannot write that. Le Sigh.