Do Not Put Empty Milk Bottles Back in the Fridge

Monday 22 October 2007

Ten Things I am Learning from Having a Computer Virus

10. You don't actually need to spend an hour highlighting 6508 infected items in the recycle bin to delete them. You can simply right click and press, 'clear Recyle Bin.'
9. Often, screaming 'I hate you, I hate you' at a computer virus does not get rid of it.
8. The people at McAfee have way to much time on their hands. They should use this time to do something productive, such as improve their crappy virus protection.
7. Most hackers can't spell balloon, been, done, and to.
6. Sometimes, it helps to have a pen handy. You never know when you'll need to jot down an IP address while your system is shutting down.
5. AVG is the answer to everything.
4. Most hackers can't spell back.
3. It is always worth checking to see when your anti hacker program runs out.
2. Apparently you can have more than one Virus. Apparently it's possible to have over 6500.

And the number one thing I am learning from having a computer virus:

1. Sometimes 14 year old girls prove to be smarter than professional anti virus advisors.

Saturday 20 October 2007

There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”

I may or may not break my own leg, depending on whether I will still be forced to attend my grandmothers birthday party. Please help me. My mother is doing those flower things for the table called something like "cassarole-ledges." I am being bullied into helping her wire up flowers for the next week. Anyone who wants to take me out of this lonesome environment is very welcome. Please.

My cat is snoring rather loudly and is taking up my whole bed, making me retreat to the safety of my desk. That cat just lurvves causing me discomfort.

Woke up this morning to find toni's foot in my face. Yes, Antonias' foot. I went for a sleepover there last night, and ate lots of chocolate. Talked to her Irish lover and some random guy from America. Don't ask. Judging by the manic screaming up and down that accompanied me playing 1000 miles, It sounds ok. But it was joke, and we got some funny pictures. Which will be going up on the internet, of course.

Thursday 18 October 2007

Est-ce de ma faute a moi si ma amie est comme ca?

Not a clue if the title is correct, but, no matter.

People change. It's a fact, yet, it's so hard to deal with, especially in old friends. You see people in new lights, and it surprises you. Don't get me wrong, I still like the people, but it's strange. And in some respects, not at all nice.

Went to a careers fair, tonight, and came back with about fifty free pens. They even had sweets, which cracked me up. I know pretty much where I'm going now, and what I'm studying (French, Classical and General History, and maybe Graphic Design). But plenty of time to sort that out. Right now, I'm concentrating on my GCSEs!

I know it seems silly, but I really, really want to be fluent in French. Really, really, really. I really love France(how many synonyms are there for really?), and maybe one day I'll get the chance to live over there. I know you can get summer jobs over there at like, campsites, so that'd be cool. Also, I want to get away from here. There's so much pressure to smoke and do drugs and look good, and be hard round here. I wish so much I could get away from it all. I had this silly theory things would be better in year 10, people would get serious, but, apparently it's worse. I'm tired of being here. I want to be in a place where I can feel pretty and confident, even if I don't understand the language! I'd love to be able to just reel off the French like they do...just to understand and be understood would be enough at this point. I dream of leaving this place and just going. Don't get me wrong, I'm not feeling all trapped, or whatever, I just dream of leaving. Again, this will sound silly, but I think I find refuge in writing about exotic places. I can conjure up perfect images of other places. It's just not good to come out of that daydream!

It'd mean the world to me if I won the Short Story competition. I don't want to sound geeky, but the fact is I am a geek, and I'm past caring what everyone else says. I want to win so badly, it'd signify I could actually do something right. But, chances are slim. But hey, I can hope, right?

I havn't actually written anything good in a while. I just have no ideas at all.

(BTW, I don't know how to do accents, which is why the title lacks them.)

Monday 15 October 2007

I saw my life flashing before my eyes

Let me relate to you the last five days. This is not a tale for the squeamish.

Thursday, 4am onwards.

Woke up feeling sick and thinking in French. Yes, French. I must have been delirious, or something, 'cause all I remember was thinking, 'qui ma fille est comme ca,' and the next think I know I was having major upchuck issues over the loo. Mother comes in, groans, tells me to breathe, goes back to bed. I go back to bed. I lie in bed feeling sick. I am sick all over bed. I run to bathroom. Am sick several more times before crawling back on my hands and knees to my room. The next thing I know, I wake up at 5pm, realise I have missed my best friends birthday, cry, be sick, then fall asleep again. My wall still has an interesting splatter pattern across it.

Friday, 7.30am onwards.

Mercifully, I have managed not to be sick just yet. My mother takes my temperature, pokes me and decides I absolutely must see the doctor. We phone doctors, who tell us we are to see one Dr. McClane. We check into reception. Receptionnist puzzled when my mother claims we are booked in for one Dr. McClean. I snigger whilst flicking through a particulary mind stimulating copy of, 'Where is my Tractor.' We see doctor. I am poked. I must go back if pain becomes 'localised.' I may have a 'viral' infection of the stomach, causing 'immflamation.' I am pescribed 'medicine.' I return to my house where I decided to post this blog. The internet is off. Luckily I have several anime episodes on my computer, and treat myself to a marathon (I still can't keep food down.) After this, I attempt to do some of my English Essay. I drop notes. I stand up. I fall over. I find out what 'localised pain' means.

My mother, god love her, panics, and we run (well, I limp) straight back to doctors McCleans and his surgery of dental wonders (a morbid attempt at a joke there). This time we see an old Irish guy. I am poked. He looks all serious. Five minutes later, I am rushed to casualtly with suspected appendicitus. I can hardly walk at this point. I am submitted to more poking by three different doctors, and I am jabbed with needles, given painkillers, etc. We wait. I thought it was only a few minutes, but it turns out the Aladdin clock on the wall was stuck. I figured this out after an hour, as I'd previously been trying to avert the gaze of Aladdin and his stupid girlfriend. Drugged up to the eyeballs in a room with decapitated tigers on the wall, I whimper as we wait hours and hours for them to tell me, that, in fact, I have kidney trouble. About five hours after we arrive, we are finally discharged with yet more medicine. By this time, I want nothing more than to shoot Aladdin.

Saturday, 10am onwards.

My mother is heard to say, 'she's had a hetic few days. Let's let her sleep.' Three minutes later, the customary slam of the bathroom door, and later, the clanging of pots. I stumble downstairs. Am drugged. Go back upstairs. I spend most of the day watching old Inuyasha and Avatar episodes whilst I try to get the internet running. I then pick up my History essay, but the retreat to my bed, as I can't risk vomiting all over it.

Sunday, 12pm onwards.

Ah, the sweet bliss of an uninterrupted sleep. However, I still feel sick, as well as waterwork trouble, and so I stumble downstairs, am drugged, and spend the rest of the day attempting to write my English essay. Need an extension. Hopefully being in hospital with Kidney troubles will sway my case a bit.

Monday, 7.30am.

Still feel awful, but I think I shall be in tommorow. So far, no sickness or diabolical pain, but the number of medicines I am on should do the trick. Feel ill, and guilty. I havn't done my English essay (hey, I did try!) or my History essay. I will spend the next few form mornings and lunchtimes trying to catch up. Goodbye sickness, hello lots of school work.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

So this is what we've got so far...

Had the most surreal phonecall with my Aunt, who was trying to tell me how to spell something. Unfortunatly, we have a rubbish phone line, and it took a full half an hour to spell ONE WORD. It started fine...until the line started crackling.

Hehe, another blogger! Hilarious, I laughed so hard. *waves to Manxy*

Ok, I really do need to get some coursework done now.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Music is my Boyfriend

OoOoOh, so much new music to listen to! Downloaded a lot and nicked a few of my Mum's CDs. My friend Kevin also sent me his Clapton cover, which I love listening to (he's annoying good on the guitar). Also, getting into a French artist called Emilie Simon: She's really good. Yes, she sings in French. No, I don't know most of what she is saying. Third, listened to this amazing a cappella group called Rockapella; their version of Sweet Home Alabama is really good.

I am really starting to enjoy Music at school again. Musa is incredible at those drums, I really love listening to her, as well as Shelley. Our percussion sucked because they were not here, and Musa was ill (get well, btw, if you read this).

I remembered my singing lesson too! For the first time...actually, it was luck, Chloe pointed out the time and I remembered. Anyways, it was good, I know it's a song from Joseph, but I'm singer higher (and louder) than I thought I ever would. It's true when they say louder is better!

If you ever get a chance to listened to 'La Metamophose de Mister Chat' listen to it...It cracks me up every time. It's the random high pitched voice that gets me.

My mate Lucy's Birthday today: Happy Birthday!!!! Have a Great one. :D

Monday 1 October 2007

Running around like a headless chicken

Miss really shouldn't give us homework in for the next day...and yet, here I am, doing homework due in a day after it's set. And my internet is playing up. GRRRRR. >_> Really, really annoyed about that. I'm hoping to get some coursework done and get an early night, my head is pounding.

Anyways, I found this wonderful song, - Off the iPod advert. hehehe. I like to listen to this. It makes me all happy inside. ^-^ It's also positive proof most singers can't count to ten without skipping a bunch of numbers.

So, what should I type about? It seems the entry I posted at school didn't work, but then the stupid school computers are peices of JUNK. Did you know they blocked all the google images? wtfh?! But still.